29 Apr

Correct riding has long been discussed, but it seems that lately it is something that is coming more and more into the limelight, especially on social media. 

And with good reason, as of course correct riding is important, as to ensure that the horse can perform its best, without wearing itself out and thereby prevent injuries. 

However, it should also always be considered that the horse sometimes can have dysfunctions, which can be the reason why it physically cannot move correctly. 

Therefore, if you feel that you are training and doing everything "right", but it just doesn't quite work, then it might be a good idea to have an equine therapist look at the horse and check whether it could actually be physically impaired. 

Some of the signs that a horse is struggling with its physique are:👇 

- Heavy on the forehand

- Struggle with lateral movements

- Behind the vertical

- Raised head

- Trips

- Stiff back

- Etc

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