
Intuitive Energy Healing (IEH)

Did you know that every single cell in the body has a memory, just as the brain remembers experiences? This means, that if you are exposed to a trauma where you are physically injured, whether it is broken bones, strain/damage to muscles, tendon injuries, etc., it is not only the physical injury that can harm your body. The body also remembers the experience in the cells, by storing the energy (emotion) that was present at the time of the trauma. When we as a healers work with these cell memories, we get access to the information the cells have stored. The information the cells have stored is often communicated to us as feelings, visions and information, how old they are, etc. The body encapsulates this energy in case the energy is not released at the time of trauma, so that the energy does not spread and wreak havoc in the rest of the body. E.g. in dogs you often see, that if they have energy that accumulates, they shake right after an episode to release it, birds that have been in a fight, flap their wings and you have probably also experienced that if a horse stumbles in the lunge, it will often just have to bend down and kick out a little to release the stored energy. If you are exposed to a trauma and you are not able to release the energy, it will accumulate as an energy memory in the cells. It's therefore a good idea, if you know your horse has been exposed to trauma, or suspect a possible trauma/injury, e.g. a fall or a leg that has been stretched out too far, because it has been slippery in the field etc. to have a healer check, whether any memory should have settled in the cells. The sooner you release the stored energy, the easier it is to release and prevent the horse from compensating in the future. In the case of injuries, it can therefore be very good, in addition to treating the physical damage, to release the cells' storage of the experience, as the negative energy can also affect the horse and cause problems in the long term both mentally and physically.