
The Masterson Method®

The Masterson Method® is a unique, interactive method within equine therapy that helps build trust with the horse. With this unique and gentle form of therapy, you can often resolve years of stress and stiffness in just a few sessions, this is done by relieving tension in the horse's muscles, important trigger and stress points, that can affect the horse's performance. In contrast to traditional massage, it works by working with the horse's nervous system, where the horse itself actively participates in the process. This means that it is something you do with the horse, rather than to the horse. This unique participation and interaction are what makes The Masterson Method® fulfilling for those who use it in their therapy and transformational for the horse. We are NOT certified Masterson therapists, but use many of the techniques as part of our therapy, as we have learned that it is a fantastic supplement. We are beyond thrilled with the results we see and how much the horses cooperate and appreciate when we include these techniques.