Vanessa Harding

I am British born and bred, and my career for the last 20 years has been as a Materials Engineer/Scientist in many different industries. I took an opportunity in 2017 to live in Denmark working for the prestigious Danish company VELUX. 

Besides my career, I have always been active in sport, as child I was a gymnast at regional competition level for 7 years. Later on in life I started running and for the last 8 years practicing many different types of yoga, including Power Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Bikram and Yin. 

As part of expanding my life here in Denmark and a lifelong ambition, I decided to take up Yoga teacher training to master the true form of yoga. I suppose you could call it my destiny, my purpose, a calming stability and fulfilment. 

To date, I am qualified with 300hrs in total  yoga teacher training, 200hrs vinyasa teacher training, 50 hrs Yin yoga and 50hrs Trauma Informed Yoga. Training in Vinyasa & Trauma informed Yoga was taken with Angela Jervis Read affiliated with Yoga hero, Leeds & Yin yoga with Angela Jervis Read affiliated with Dalgas Yoga, Copenhagen. 

I am delighted to teach dynamic Vinyasa flow and a more passive Yin yoga practice for all levels. Both general classes and more targeted practices for specific areas of the body needing attention. Specific classes can include trauma informed yoga techniques to enable healing with stress related concerns. 

Vinyasa flow sequences are a combination of moving and holding postures, giving a more cardio exercise while promoting strength and flexibility. Sequences can be designed to target areas such as hips or shoulder joints and promoting the natural curvature of the spine. 

Yin is a beautiful passive practice, that is powerful in releasing tensions built up from our postural habits and injuries that may occur in our daily lives long term and short term. Yin facilitates the movement or unsticking of connective tissue ‘fascia’ by focusing on keeping the body in static postures for a longer period of time to allow this remarkable natural phenomenon to take place, resulting in releasing tensions in the body. Yin yoga is ideal for horse riders to focus on releasing tension in the joints and muscles that limit ability to manoeuvre in harmony with your horse.

I am currently resident at Randers Osteopati. However, I also do private lessons and group workshops on location.

Yoga benefits include improved posture, and balance, enhanced coordination, greater range of motion, higher strength and alleviating mental stresses